Craft Victoria
2 – 30 June, 2018

Public Programs at Craft

World Refugee Day 2018
Collaborative Garland Making Workshop

Facilitated by Island Welcome artists:

Anna Davern, Belinda Newick, Michelle Cangiano and Nicky Hepburn
Community Garland of water bottles made with the general public and members of Second Stitch.

Public Programs at Craft

World Refugee Day June 20 2018
Island Welcome Conversation circle: community, collaboration and welcome.

Craft 6-8pm
An open conversation expanding on ideas and experiences around the ways we cam enact community and welcome through our craft and making practices. 

How does making bring people together? How can craft objects communicate within the political arena? Why is collaboration important to cross-cultural dialogue? 

Moderated by: Gemma Jones and Belinda Newick
Speakers: artist and former refugee Azizeh Astaneh and Vicki Mason
Jess Lilley The Freedom Calendar Project
Sara Lindsay Textiles artist, Karen refugees, Shuklay Tahpo and Munaw Poe.